NOT a Christmas Tree! (PET Scan Results)
I have never been more scared of the term "Christmas Tree" as these past few days waiting for the PET Scan. We just received the results, and thankfully it was less of a Christmas tree and more of an ornament. The scan showed that Rachel has six lesions (or tumors) in the right lobe of her liver. This was the most likely place to see more growths so, though this was not "great" news, it was still good and encouraging to see the rest of her body had no visible growths.
We have been so blessed these past two weeks regardless of what lies ahead. The T-shirts (HERE) are moving steadily and we look forward to seeing those Llama sleeves everywhere!
Also, my (Jamison's) employer, Tecology, and the awesome team over there have been amazing during this time. They have blessed us beyond words with a peace about my time off and for keeping things running smoothly in my absence. They have all offered help in different ways and we are so blessed to have them!
Finally, as always, God is good and we are loved.
Psalm 56:3-4 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?